Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

cara mendrbele bola basket

kita harus punya bola basket untuk din jadikan teman,memang terdengar konyol tapi itu yang saya alami untuk bisa mendribrle dengan lancar

basket tidak semudah yang di pikirkan

banyak orang yang menyepelekan olahraga basket, padahal olahraga itu(basket)butuh tenaga dan otak, saat bermain basket kita tidak hanya memakai tenaga saja tapi otak kita harus berpikir/berjalan untuk mengacaukan posisi musuh, jika kita hanya memaki tenaga saja pasti terus terjadi pelanggaran/fool.
kita harus memakai otak kita juga untuk mengalah kan musuh dengan stratrgi yang sudah d pikirkan, tidak asla lempar bola saja semua gerakan-gerakan basket ada tehnik-nya,dari shut,lay-up,dribele,pasing,dan lain-lain
jadi basket tidak mudah yang dipikirkan,jika kita ingin menjadi pemain basket profesional, kita harus giat berlatih/belajar basket dengan sungguh-sungguh dan jangan remehkan olahraga basket

Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

basketball practice

we want to truly be basketball, then we must also be true really basketball practice, without really will not be able to play basketball.
fond / talents that are often out by pengemar basketball if the question "why chose basketball."
basketball practice earnestly emerged from the minds of our hearts, many people who want to practice basketball because poya-poya, wanted in many women enjoy doing, or so forth, it is not in want a coach (basketball), because they do not mean Basketball practice really will not ever be able to play basketball.
if we want to be a professional basketball player we've got to have high dreams to become a player basklet profesiopnal with that of the dream we have dorngan spirit in order to become a professional basketball player.
michael jordan not even had his professional basketball player that he continued to practice until I searched google about keberhasila michael jordan.

Field MJ story behind the house
As a child, Mike admitted Baseball is very fond of sports.
Even before, he had joined in the Babe Ruth baseball league, as
pitcher. Then why did she switch to basketball?

Vibration MJ's first love in basketball, growing in the field behind the house in
Wilmington, North Carolina. Initially, her interest in basketball after
brother watching?? Larry Fall? basketball as a hobby, he started
interested in the hobby of his brother. Together with his brother, Mike was always practicing
basketball together. While trying to play as much as possible, every time
Mike's practice is not able to defeat his brother. However, he did not
surrendered by always practicing and training. As a result, when Mike was a
able to beat Larry, his brother.

When was MJ playing one on one with her brother Larry Jordan. MJ
delighted when he can beat his brother, who always lose if the previous MJ
play with him. Since the victory MJ spends long hours in
field is to keep practicing. Mike continues to pursue basketball to sit on
top-level school, he accepted Laney School. During basketball practice,
Mike menekuninya excessive. In fact, he also had to be reprimanded
from the school, skipped school because just to practice basketball.

MJ was so excited to practice because he felt confident of his ability
himself. As in the NLP Presupposition (basic assumption of NLP):?? You have
all the resources necessary to achieve success.?? And MJ has
finding resources TSB, after he won the opponent his brother, who made him
increasingly confident in its strength.

MJ story during high school:
Perhaps no story, wisdom and lessons in this paper if MJ
give up when faced with the worst situations in life. Event
occurs when one morning, MJ is still sitting in a high school classroom, combing
list of members of the basketball team at Laney High School Wilmington. MJ see
with his friend, Leroy Smith. The list is arranged alphabetically, and Leroy
successful entry. MJ looking for the name section J, twice but
his name is not listed. Then try to comb goto MJ K, H, I and
as if his name will show up there when he looked at the list

Live the rest of the afternoon after the school day with a nervous, direct MJ
headed home. At home, he entered the room and immediately closed the door
so no one will see or hear him cry. MJ's mother arrived
from the workplace, MJ complained to her mother for failing to enter the main team. ?? I
MJ then asked to practice harder.??, MJ's mother recalled. ?? But I
added that if he had been trying hard and still fail, it means that
is not destiny.??

First grade students rarely get in the list of Laney High School first team, and
MJ has at least managed to enter the junior team. However, failure
into the main team was still just an impression. If he let go
passion for this sport, all this story of course would never happen.
But there was something about MJ is not going to let him surrender.
Something that owned the pememang, the ability to accept defeat as
delayed victory.

Strongest in Yourself Motivation
Before telling the story of the continuation of MJ, I'd like to share about two
strongest motivation within ourselves. As we know, we are driven by
Two basic motivations to avoid pain is the First, Second chase
pleasure. Anthony Robbins calls: Avoid Pain and Gain Pleasure. If
in NLP, is included in the Meta Program: Moving Toward (move closer)
and Moving Away (moving away). MJ belongs to the type: Moving away.
Because it was obvious he was hurt, after his name was not included in the team
Main. MJ motivation then, he no longer wants to be disappointed when no
incorporated in the high school basketball team.

So that after his name was removed from the main team, motivated to MJ
TSB avoid pain and gain a place in the main team. MJ play
with extraordinary spirit who can not be owned by other junior players.
Laney coach later admitted to intentionally remove the first team to MJ
he can play better. But not so for MJ. He
take it as a serious insult. MJ woke up at six in the morning for
target practice. He also practiced in the afternoon. Sometimes the print MJ
40 points in a game the junior team. The last major team players arrive
early to see the game MJ.

MJ can not forget the bitter experience when removed from the main team. He
do not want removed. He then offered to do anything to make
acceptable entry into the main team members. Included with the tournament to
various towns. Finally, the main coach relented. But the coach still
doubted the ability of MJ playing in the main team, they asked him to
brought the team uniform. MJ went to gym with a T-shirt
full of sweat and dirty socks? an increasingly task lighting

source (http://www.mail-archive.com/bicara @ yahoogroups.com/msg02778.html)

Selasa, 15 Juni 2010

tips drible bola basket

kalo kita mau bisa mendribele bola basket dengan lancar kita harus punya bola basket dulu, sehabis itu kita beljar dengan tehnik gimana cara memegang bola (basket).
1. telapak tangan klo kita mendribele tidak kotor, tapi yang kotor jari-jari kita
2. rasakan pantulan bola(basket) kemna dia memantul
3. jangan mementulkan bola(basket) terlalu keras nati bola tidak akan terkontrol oleh tangan kita
dan terus menerus mendribele dengan bergantian tangan(tangan kanan dan tangan kiri)

belajar memahami arti basket

banyak orang menggemari olahraga basket ball,tapi banyak yang tidak tahu apa arti basket itu
kalo kita benar-benar menggemari olahraga basket kita pahami dahulu arti basket
basket adalah olah raga yg membutuh-kan otak dan tenaga dan butuh sportifitas yang tinggi
di mana pun kita berada,bagai manapun cuaca-nya,kalop kita benar-benar mau latihan basket kita tidak boleh terhalang dengan halangan sekecil itu.
aku punya cerita di bandung ada sebuah lapangan, suatu hari sore itu terjadi ujan anak-anak basket tidak jadi latihan ada anak kecil berlima main basket dengan ceria walaupun cuaca ujan dan lapangan penuh air ujan karna mereka ingin benar-benar bisa basket.
salah satu anak basket ada yang melihat bermain anak-anak itu,akhir-nya dia sadar betapa sungguh-sungguh-nya kita berlatih walau badai menghalang.


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my name is ilham
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